North Crestview Campus eLetter

May 11, 2024
Hello Crosspoint, North Crestview!

Anyone else already singing the “School's out for Summer,” song in their head nonstop? Just me? Where does the time go!?!

When I began volunteering in Kids Ministry back in 2014, I never imagined God would take me to where I am today. I started off like most do… not wanting to commit just one more minute of my already overcommitted time, not wanting to be with kids any more than I already was, not feeling like I could offer anything that would benefit anyone, and the list goes on… but something inside pushed me towards a ‘yes’ to serving in Kids Ministry. What I found was a community of people who made coming to church each Sunday even more of a weekly highlight than it already was. I found connection.

Ten years later I am still saying ‘yes’ to Kids Ministry.

Sunday, April 28, during service, we did a push for volunteers to serve in Kids Min, and I would like to thank those who answered the call. We had people step out of their comfort zone and step up to invest in the lives of the next generation and I am excited to start this journey with each of them. I love to see the many ways God is moving at Crosspoint, North Crestview!

Part of our spiritual formation process is actively participating in the body of Christ. We do not “become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Eph 4:13), without fulfilling our role in Christian community. A significant step in your faith journey is service. If you are feeling like you are missing something on Sundays, or you haven’t made the connections you were hoping for, or if something on the inside is pushing you to say ‘yes’, I would like to encourage you to find your unique role in God’s mission.

There are still many opportunities to serve in Kids Min posted on the board in the lobby. Our kids need your ‘yes,’ our volunteers need your ‘yes,’ and you will find over time that you needed your ‘yes’ far more than you could have imagined.

Let’s be the body of Christ for the next generation.

See you Sunday,

Casi Krog

Casi Krog, Kids Minister

Holly Chavis

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